If you use a truck in your lawn care business, watch out for tailgate thieves.

If you drive a pickup truck in your lawn care business, you have one more thing to worry about.  It seems like the new craze in automotive thievery is tailgates.  What?   Yes, since tailgates can cost up to $4,000, thieves are finding quick money in tailgate theft.

According to The Consumerist, “hot” tailgates and be sold for $600 to $700.
Should you be worried about this?  Well, if you keep track of our lawn care business blog and if you subscribe to our YouTube – Lawn Care Business channel, you already know how to combat tailgate theft.  We recently added a video showing you how to use a common and inexpensive Canon camera as an in truck security camera.  Check out our video below to see how this is done and be sure to SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel.
Good luck and always remember to protect your lawn care equipment….and your tailgate.

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