Posts Tagged lawn care

The Last Day of August – Prepare for leaf raking season.

In a few more hours we will bid farewell to August 2011.

While it has been a great summer for the lawn mowing industry, I am not sad to say goodbye to those long, hot, dusty August days.  The temperatures are still high but I can feel a break in the intensity of  the hot days.  This lowered intensity tells me Autumn is right around the corner and fall leaf raking is not far behind.

We are in the Southeast section of the United States.  Those of you in the northern states are already seeing the beginnings of fall foliage. Money might not GROW on trees but it sure will be FALLING from trees during the next three months.

Don’t miss out on the leaf raking season.  Even if you haven’t started your lawn care business yet, there is still plenty of time to get your business started (or ramp up your existing business) and make a ton of money performing leaf cleanup jobs.

Learn leaf raking strategies and estimating procedures in our lawn care business program available through our main website:


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Summer Grass Mowing Season is Coming to an End.

Summer’s grass mowing season is coming to an end. Leaf raking takes over.

How do I know this? Is it the shorter days? Is it the cooler nights? Is it the lengthening shadows? Is it the falling leaves? Is it the start of football season?

Summer Grass Mowing vs. Autumn Leaf Raking

Summer is coming to an end.

No, none of these things tell me that summer is coming to an end. I don’t need a weatherman or a calendar. I only need to take a walk through my local Walgreens to see a “25% Off Summer Toys” sign to let me know that the lucrative and profitable grass mowing season will soon come to an end.

Actually, if you own a lawn care business, there is NO NEED TO PANIC. Though it is already the end of August, many lawn care companies (especially in the southern states) will be mowing grass well into November. And, if you don’t make enough money mowing grass for the next two month, leaf raking season should easily carry your lawn care business well into next year.

So, when you see signs of summer’s end, rest assured that there are still PLENTY of opportunities to make a TON of money mowing grass raking leaves for the next several months.

If you have ever thought about starting a lawn care business but don’t know where to start, we have developed a comprehensive lawn care business training course that will teach you practically everything you need to know about starting and operating a successful lawn care business. For more information about our business course, please visit our main webpage.

Start A Lawn Care Business

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Leaf Raking & Landscaping Gloves – Protect your hands.

Landscaping Gloves

Landscaping Gloves

As August days draw shorter and my shadow across the landscape grows longer, I am reminded that leaf raking season is upon us once again.

Ah, the crisp crunch of dried leaves underfoot.

Ah, the sight of a growing bank account as grateful customers pay great money to have their yards raked and mulched week after week.

Ouch, the pain of the blisters from leaf rakes.

Believe me, I know the pain.  No matter how rough and strong and callused your hands become during the mowing season, a leaf rake always has a way of finding that one tender spot.  After a few hours of raking, even the roughest hands succumb to painful blisters caused by heavy leaf work.  In addition to leaf rakes, hands are vulnerable to sharp sticks and biting insects that lurk in piles of leaves.

I just want to give you a quick reminder that if you are raking leaves this year as part of your lawn care business, spend the time (and a few extra dollars) to purchase a quality pair of work gloves.  I know you will be tempted to buy the cheapo $1.00 gardening gloves but, trust me, those gloves will barely last through one day of heavy leaf work.  Spend the extra money and get a quality pair of gloves.

Below is a list (from of quality work gloves that should last you an entire season of leaf raking:




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It Sucks For This Guy – Getting a truck stuck on a steep driveway.

It Sucks For This Guy - Getting a truck stuck on a steep driveway.

Getting a truck stuck on a steep driveway.

One thing we try to do with our lawn care business blog (and the lawn care business training package) is to help you avoid annoying and costly situations.  With nearly 20 years’ experience in the lawn care industry we have seen many small nusiances turn into large problems simply because lawn care business owners don’t know how to avoid and maneuver obstacles associated with doing the business.

I witnessed one such annoyance today.  Now, while this problem did not involve a lawn care company it did involve a situation that many lawn care companies find themselves in.  If you are driving a large truck with a long wheelbase, pulling a trailer, or have a drop hitch on your vehicle you should be particularly careful transitioning off the roadway and up steep driveways.

I have seen many instances where a lawn care truck’s drop hitch contacts the ground as the truck is beginning to climb the driveway.  The forward momentum of the vehicle causes the drop hitch to dig into the asphalt but not before the rear wheels lose traction.  This is VERY annoying and, practically, the only way to get out of the situation is to call a wrecker and have your vehicle towed out.

So, if you have lawn care customers with steep driveways, keep this in mind before you go barreling up the driveway and cause yourself a ton of grief.

Do you want to avoid even more hassles in your Lawn Care Business?  Take a look at our Lawn Care Business Training Package:
Start A Lawn Care Business

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Lawn Care Worker Killed By Lightning

Summer Lightning is Dangerous for Lawn Care Workers

Summer Lightning is Dangerous for Lawn Care Workers

Summer thunder storms are beautiful. They produce sheets of rain, swirling cloud patterns, and reduced temperatures that make summer afternoons bearable. Summer thunder storms also produce lightning that can kill lawn care workers. While summer’s intense heat creates dangerous working conditions for lawn care operators, another weather phenomenon, summer lightning, can create equally dangerous conditions.

Keeping your lawn care customer on schedule is tedious this time of year and summer thunder storms add to the frustration. Though it is very tempting to keep mowing as long as possible and continue mowing as soon as the rain stops to attempt to keep your customers on schedule, all lawn care operators should be aware of the dangers of summer lightning strikes. According to the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Association (NOAA) the threat of lightning begins with an approaching thunderstorm and may persist for more than 30 minutes after the last sound of thunder.

The Warning Signs
High winds, rainfall, and a darkening cloud cover are the warning signs for possible cloud-to-ground lightning strikes. While many lightning casualties happen at the beginning of an approaching storm, more than 50 percent of lightning deaths occur after the thunderstorm has passed. The lightning threat diminishes after the last sound of thunder, but may persist for more than 30 minutes. When thunderstorms are in the area, but not overhead, the lightning threat can exist when skies are clear.

Though lightning strikes that injure lawn care workers are rare, we should all be aware of the potential damage of summer thunder storms and take appropriate action to protect ourselves and our workers.

For more information about starting and operating a successful lawn care business, please visit our main website. We have developed a training program to help you make more money while growing your lawn care business. The link to the main site is:
Start A Lawn Care Business

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High Temperatures and your Lawn Care Business

100 Degrees Summer Temperatures and your Lawn Care Business

100 Degrees is dangerous to lawn care business owners.

Today Would Be a Good Day to Sit in Front of An Air Conditioner” the headline reads.

Unfortunately for us lawn care business owners, air conditioning is not always available when we are out on a lawn mower or hefting around a heavy weedeater.

We would like to remind everyone to pay attention to the heat this summer. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids, eat properly, and dress in light colors and fabrics that will help you stay cool. Time is money and I know it is difficult to take time off this time of year especially if your schedule is filled with lawn care clients wanting their grass cut. However, it is also a good idea to take breaks during the hottest part of the day.

We have written often about the importance of fending off health problems caused by high summer temperatures. We would just like to remind you that there are several more weeks of summer heat. Take care of yourself and your lawn care workers.

Running your lawn care business for the next few weeks will be difficult. However, cooler days are not far off.

If you are just getting started with your lawn care business, check out our main website:
Start A Lawn Care Business

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Lawn Care in the Southwest doesn’t require green grass.

Lawn Care raking sand in Arizona

Lawn Care in the Southwest: Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, Nevada

I was lucky enough to take a trip to the southwest during a recent week of downtime to study lawns in the southwest region of the United States.

Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, and Texas are beautiful areas of our country. Many parts of these states have enough rainfall to justify green lawns. However, within the large portions of the southwest deserts that receive very little rainfall green lawns are impossible or very difficult to start and maintain. During my recent trip through these areas, I was able to learn about Xeriscaping. Xeriscaping is the art of performing lawn care and landscaping, without the use of supplemental water, in very dry climates.

I have often wondered about the viability of starting a lawn care business in these areas. After my recent trip, I am more convinced than ever that starting a lawn care business in the American Southwest is a great idea. Homeowners and business owners in the southwest absolutely need the services of lawn care professionals.

I learned a few simple facts during my trip:

1) Even in the harshest desert climates in Arizona, West Texas, New Mexico, and Nevada, MANY homeowners and business owners invest time and money in irrigation so that they can have green grass in their lawns. Green lawns are especially common in larger communities where water is easy to come by.

2) Homes and businesses that do not have green lawns STILL need lawn care work performed. Desert areas are still full of plant life. Scrub brush grows in many desert areas. Scrub brush can be maintained and kept under control by raking the ground every few weeks. Raking can be performed with a hand rake over small areas or with a tractor (or a lawn mower, quad, or other vehicle) and a pull-behind rake or a simple “chain carpet.” Raking is very beneficial to homeowners and business owners because scrub brush makes a great hiding place for rattlesnakes. A well maintained yard reduces the chance that rattlesnakes will go unnoticed.

3) Properly maintained Xeriscaping dramatically enhances the beauty of a desert lawn. Homeowners and business owners are VERY willing to pay great money to lawn care professionals that can properly maintain a yard in a desert environment.

Raking lawns in the Southwest desert

Using a quad to rake a southwest desert lawn.

If you live in any of the southwestern states and you have ever thought about starting your own lawn care business, I encourage you to take the steps necessary to start your business and begin building your lawn care customer list. Also, I am more convinced than ever that our lawn care business program will greatly help you. From starting your business, purchasing equipment, acquiring customers, and pricing your services correctly, our lawn care business program will give you the business tools and information needed to help you on your way. The estimating software will also be an enormous help to you when determining how much money to charge your customers for the lawn care services you provide.

To learn more about the “Start A Lawn Care Business” program, please visit our main home page:

Start A Lawn Care Business

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2011 Hurricane Weather Forecast – Preparing your lawn care company.

Storm Cleanup Services

Storm Cleanup Services - Good money for your lawn care business.

Lawn care company owners in states affected by Hurricanes have reason to check out the latest Hurricane forecast for 2011. Although nobody wants to see other people’s property damaged by severe weather, property owners will be thankful that your company is able to provide storm cleanup services after a severe weather event.

The hurricane forecast calls for increased weather activity this year. Keeping with tradition, the World Meteorological Organization has released a list of names that will be used for upcoming Hurricanes.

Arlene (unused)
Bret (unused)
Cindy (unused)
Don (unused)
Emily (unused)
Franklin (unused)
Gert (unused)
Harvey (unused)
Irene (unused)
Jose (unused)
Katia (unused)
Lee (unused)
Maria (unused)
Nate (unused)
Ophelia (unused)
Philippe (unused)
Rina (unused)
Sean (unused)
Tammy (unused)
Vince (unused)
Whitney (unused)

Our Lawn Care Business guidebook is a great resource to help you learn how to price your storm cleanup services. For more information, visit our lawn care website home page:

Learn how to price your storm cleanup lawn care services:

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Make more money offering environmentally correct lawn care techniques.

A healthy lawn and green grass

Proper mowing leads to a healthier lawn.

Mow it low and go.

Arghhh…how many customers do you have that want you to show up to their property every two weeks, mow their grass as low as your blades will allow, and go away for another two weeks until the grass is, once again, two feet high? 

While the money is often good with these types of basic lawn care customers, there is something unfulfilling about performing the lowest form of lawn care services demanded by some customers…mow it low, and go.

It is springtime right now and many of you who are just getting started with your lawn care companies are looking for any customers you can find.  I understand that you probably don’t care if you have 100 “mow it low and go” customers…you just want to be mowing grass and making money.

However, as you are acquiring customers this spring, I want to challenge each of you to attract as many customers as you can who want to care for their lawns in a proper, environmentally responsible fashion.  We’re not talking about customers who want to apply lots of fertilizers and pesticides and expect a perfectly manicured lawn each week.  We are talking about customers who will let you raise your blade to a proper height, practice integrated pest management, install water gardens & natural areas, and build good soil by leaving well-mulched clippings on the lawn.

Attracting a few customers who are keenly interested in having healthy lawns will teach you a tremendous amount about proper lawn care and they will give you tons of ideas and healthy lawn care management practices that you can spread to your other lawn care customers.

The benefits of building beautiful lawns with environmentally correct lawn care techniques are far reaching.  Yes, you will be proud of the lawns and landscaping (and make great money from those customers) but also, great lawns generate amazing referrals.  And if you acquire the right customers and bid your jobs correctly, you should be able to build a list of top-notch customers who are willing to pay you handsomely to maintain their lawns and landscapes.

Do you want to learn how to operate a successful lawn care and landscaping business? Visit our main webpage to learn more about our “Start A Lawn Care Business” guidebook and software business package.  This is a HUGE business toolkit which is perfect for anyone just starting in the business or anyone who is looking to expand a lawn care business.

Make More Money With Your Lawn Care Business

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Storm Damage and your Lawn Care Business

Hi Everyone:

Storm Tree Damage and lawn care business cleanup services.

One of Thousands of Trees Damaged by Monday's Storm.

I want to send a personal note to everyone who emailed us with concern after yesterday’s storms in our area.  The “suspected tornado” passed right over our area and destroyed many trees and buildings.  Thankfully, other than 7 or 8 large trees in our wooded area, we suffered very little damage.

As everyone who has ever witnessed a weather event like this knows, the cleanup efforts will take weeks.  Opportunities are immense for lawn care companies to make a tremendous amount of money cutting trees and removing debris.  If you have the skills and equipment to quickly remove damaged trees and haul off broken branches, your lawn business can make a huge amount of money but you can also pick-up a very quick customer list.  Do a good job for these “one-time” customers and you will likely be able to mow their grass all summer.

Out of disaster comes opportunity.  If you are in a weather prone area and have ever thought about starting your own lawn care business, right now is a perfect time to get started and be prepared for many customer requests of storm damage clean up work this spring.

Again, thank you for your concern.

If you want to learn more about our lawn care business package including the lawn care estimating software, please visit our main page:

Lawn Care and Landscaping Business

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