Part of our jobs here at is to pass along ideas and products we think will save you money and make your lawn care business even more successful.
Somedays, those product and ideas are not strictly lawn care related. Today is such a day.
Logos are really important to lawn care companies. A bright white enclosed trailer with a clear eye-catching logo painted on the side brings much more attention than just a phone number with no logo at all. A properly designed logo is some of the best advertising you can do.
In the effort of saving money, many LCOs design their own logos. I have tried to design logos on several occasions. Sometimes I can do it and sometimes I can’t. One things that always gets in my way is my ability to use graphic design programs. Using the tools in those programs is very helpful but it is still difficult to make lines and circles do exaclty what you want them to when you are only using a keyboard and a mouse.
Recently, I found a great product that will help even the most artistically challenged of us get the full use of our graphic design software.
I found the Bamboo Drawing Tablet on a few weeks ago. A drawing table lets you use a pen and an electronic tablet to make your designs straight into your computer design software. The tablet provides direct input of your drawings and gives you the control of pencil and paper.
If you are interested in designing your own logos, please consider purchasing one of these drawing tablets. It will save you lots of time and aggravation.
#1 by 509 Media on December 16, 2009 - 10:13 pm
I am a professional graphic designer. Yes, you can design your own logo. You should keep a few things in mind. I wish I could begin posting self made graphic designs here for you all to see what not to do. Too often I see people adding graphics to their enclosed trailers and trucks that do not get the job done. There are certain things you all should know about kerning (how close letters are together) and how kerning effects viewing distance. There are things that should be known about color choices. I will give you an example. I see a lot of trailers rolling around with red letters and black outline around the letters. In sign making this is a huge mistake. It is difficult for the human eye to discern the information when these color are used incorrectly.
I have only mentioned a couple things to consider. There are a myriad of things one should consider when designing an effective logo. In most cases your logo which is your brand reaches people before you do. If you have a poorly designed logo then your image may be viewed negatively which can have an adverse effect on your deposits to the bank.
You should educate yourself on branding and how creating a brand can effect your business. Yes, lawn care businesses can have a brand. Your product in most cases is your service. If you provide a top quality service and the general public perceives your image in a positive manner then your ability to ask for a premium price increases greatly.
In short you should put a lot of thought into logo design. There is more to designing a logo than putting some words and shapes on paper. Take the time to educate yourself on the logo design process. Most graphic designers only use the computer in the last stage of design. I can make another post with links to a few resources if you all are interested.
509 Media
Dan DuBose