Bikini Lawn Care
Several times each year we get questions from business owners wanting to start a Bikini Lawn Care business. The most famous of all bikini lawn care companies was Tiger Time Lawn Care out of Memphis, Tennessee. Tiger Time found world wide fame in 2007 when a local television news station reported on one of his bikini’d workers mowing a residential lawn. Afterward, hundreds of television news stations, newspapers, radio shows, and blogs scurried to find more information about Tiger Time Bikini Lawn Care.
Bikini Lawn Care: Long Term Success?
We have not kept track of Tiger Time Lawn Care but we can tell you that out of the dozen or more lawn care companies we know about that have taken the bikini lawn care route none of them have found long term success solely offering bikini services.
Problems Offering Bikini Lawn Care
There are inherent problems offering bikini lawn care:
1) Even when properly attired, lawn care workers face dangers on the job. Lawn mowers are loud and weedeaters sling rocks and debris. Protective clothing is essential. Headware, safety goggles, hearing protection, work gloves, long pants, and work boots help protect lawn care workers. A bikini doesn’t seem so erotic once it is covered up with layers of protective clothing.
2) While lawn care companies thrive on repeat (weekly) customers, bikini lawn care customers only hire companies for one time services such as Father’s Day, a birthday celebration, retirement party, etc. A bikini lawn care company needs a roster of hundreds of customers hiring them once or twice per year instead of only 40 to 50 customers needed for a typical lawn care company.
3) If you have read the Start A Lawn Care Business Training Manuals you know that community respect is the cornerstone of many lawn care businesses. You have a relationship with your customers. If you do good work for them they will recommend you to their friends, relatives, and business associates. Lawn care companies need to be taken seriously by their clients. This is how larger contracts come about. If you offer bikini lawn care, you really have to consider if you will garner the respect you desire for your business.
Bikini Lawn Care may sound like a great idea to generate quick cash and publicity but before you don your bikini or hire a cadre of scantly clad lawn babes consider whether or not it will lend to long-term success of your lawn care business.
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