Archive for category commercial lawn mowers

Commercial lawn mowers for your Lawn Care Business

Commercial Lawn Mowers

Buying Commercial Quality Lawn Mowers

Many new lawn care business owners want to know: “Which Lawn Mower Should I Buy For My Lawn Care Business.”

Since the pages of our “lawn equipment buyer’s guide” goes into great detail of strategies that will help you buy the correct lawn mower for your lawn care business, I won’t delve into the details of proper mower selection here. Instead, I want to take just a couple of minutes to discuss a concept I have been thinking of lately.

One Great Lawn Mower is Worth More than Two Mediocre Lawn Mowers

As we move into Autumn, many existing lawn care business owners will begin to think about selling their used equipment.  Also, retail outlets and hardware stores will clearance off their demo equipment and retail units that did not sell through the mowing season.

Before you consider purchasing a heavily used lawn mower or a residential lawn mower (versus a commercial unit) think carefully about the quality of the lawn mower you are about to purchase.  In our lawn care business we have always found that the value of a quality built commercial lawn mower far exceeds the savings of inferior, residential quality, mowing equipment.

If you are reading this blog post and you have narrowed your equipment selection down to two mowers, it is our opinion that you should lean to the side of the higher quality lawn mower versus trying to save money by purchasing an inferior mower.

For more information about starting and operating a successful lawn care business, check out our lawn care manuals, training videos, business toolkit, and estimating software.

E15 Ethanol Gasoline in your Lawn Mower and Weedeater Engine

E15 Ethanol Gasoline is likely to be in many markets by late summer.
Do you feel that your lawn mowers are ready for E15 Gasoline?

I have heard a number of complaints from lawn care business owners all around the country that tell me E10 is damaging to their lawn mower engines. The implied complaint is that E10 draws moisture to the engine parts displacing gasoline and thereby clogging engine components.

I do not consider myself to be a small engine expert but I do know how to keep my equipment running with proper maintenance. As often as it is available, I buy 100% gasoline. However very few gasoline stations in my area carry 100% gasoline.

Are you worried about the new gasoline blend that might be hitting the market place later this year?

I would love to hear your thoughts.

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Commercial Lawn Mowers

Commercial Lawn Mower

New Commercial Lawn Mower at a trade show we visited last year.

Should I buy a Commercial Lawn Mower for my Lawn Care Business?

We are often asked about the quality difference of Commercial Lawn Mowers vs. Residential Quality Lawn Mowers. As a new lawn care business owner you are likely very price conscious when it comes to large equipment purchases. If you are just starting with your lawn care business this year, you probably don’t have $10,000 under your mattress just waiting to be spent on a new lawn mower. Even if you do have the financial ability to purchase a commercial quality lawn mower, you might not yet have enough lawn care customers to justify such a purchase.

If you have read the opening page to our Lawn Care Business Training Course, you have read that we started our lawn care business with a 22″ push lawn mower purchased from Kmart. With our very humble beginnings, we understand the benefits of starting small and not spending thousands of dollars on lawn mowers before you have the financial base and customer roster to justify the purchase.

If you are just starting your lawn care business you probably need guidance with the purchase of your lawn equipment. Our lawn care business guidebook and software program have an excellent section that teaches you what equipment to buy, whether you should buy commercial or residential quality, and how to purchase used lawn care equipment for very little money.

To learn more about the business program, please visit our main lawn care homepage:

How to buy commercial lawn mowers
