Starting a Lawn Care Business is not
rocket science or brain surgery.
But if you start right by using our professional advice,
you have a better chance of running a more successful business.

Would you rather be this guy mowing lawns
with a push lawn mower for $20 each...

...or this guy running commercial equipment bidding
large scale mowing accounts?
Whichever route you want to take, there is money to be made in lawn care. You may want to stay small and make your money mowing residential lawns. On-the-other-hand, you may want to grow your lawn business to a level where you are the boss over lawn mowing crews doing apartment complexes, schools, and other large mowing contracts.
We have run our business doing everything from mowing small $20 lawns that take 10 minutes all the way up to multi-year Government mowing contracts and industrial complexes.
We have poured our know-how into this program. Practically everything you could want to know about starting and running a lawn care business is covered with our huge
lawn care business package.
One of the very important sections of our Lawn Care Business program is helping you
decide which type of lawn mower to buy. There are many factors to consider and our equipment
guide helps you choose the very best machine for your particular company.

Here, a staff member of checks out the new
Gravely XDZ zero-turn, propane powered cutting machine.
Part of the fun of our jobs is traveling to trade shows to review the latest in lawn care equipment.
This mower was not even in production when we got to review it.
We take the latest information we learn and pass it along to you.
Read on to learn more.
One of the most frequently asked questions we receive is how to estimate lawns.
Click the forward arrow to learn how our Lawn Care Business Program and
the Lawn Care Estimating Software helps
you estimate and bid jobs.

NEXT: How to estimate lawns
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