Free Lawn Care Advertising by Landscaping a Homeowners’ Association Entryway.
The impact made by your landscaping work may be your best form of self advertising especially when you landscape by planting decorative shrubs and colorful perennials.
Bidding lawn care contracts within homeowners’ associations can be very profitable for your lawn care company. Often, homeowners’ associations bid out contracts for public areas within their confines. Pools, road right-of-way, and, most importantly, sub division entrances are included within the lawn care and landscaping arrangements.
Allowances for advertising vary from one homeowners’ association to another. Some HOAs will allow you to place signs on completed project areas while other HOAs will place a free ad for you within their monthly newsletter and recommend you as trusted vendor within the community.
The entrance to a residential complex under the guidance of a HOA is probably the most important initial portion of your landscaping work for the HOA. The subdivision entrance is the first impact anyone entering the subdivision experiences. If your landscape work is dreary or unkempt it will make a negative impact on those who notice.
However, if you skillfully design your landscaping and make a spectacular impact every resident of the subdivision will notice your work and many of them will clamor to become your clients.
Free Lawn Care Advertising
Although landscape design and installation will bring you many new lawn care customers, resist the temtation to reduce your price in exchange for “Free Lawn Care Advertising” as you might be convinced by the HOA. Great landscaping is free advertising for the HOA since residents, seeing great landscaping, will happily continue paying their HOA fees.
When landscaping for a homeowners’ association, charge fairly and do a great job.

Landscaping a subdivision entryway is free advertising for your lawn care business.
Our Start A Lawn Care Business package is on sale right now for quick shipment. For much more information about the business package, visit our website at: