Start a Successful Lawn Care Business
Make money with a lawn care & landscaping business.
We show you how to start a successful lawn care business.
Business Package Includes: Lawn Care Business Training Manuals, Business Toolkit,
Training Videos, & Lawn Care Estimating Software
The estimating software helps you to estimate all sizes of lawn care jobs big-to-small.
Our Business Experience
Hi, my name is Keith. Along with a partner I started a lawn care business over 20 years ago. We started with 1 small push lawn mower and quickly expanded to Commercial Walkbehinds and Zero-Turn Mowers.
Within our first season we were bidding commercial mowing contracts and expanding quickly.
With 20 years of lawn care industry experience we have poured our business knowledge into this comprehensive training course.
The secrets of a successful lawn care business.
Our lawn care business training course teaches you "REAL WORLD" strategies of how to operate a successful lawn care business:
proper business start-up,
buying the right equipment,
marketing & advertising to your customers,
proper price estimation of your lawn care jobs,
professional equipment handling and mowing techniques,
growing your lawn care business.
Lawn care isn't rocket science but if you start right, you will be able to run a much more successful and profitable lawn care company.
My team and I developed the Lawn Care Business Program because we believe that helping you start a successful and profitable lawn care business strengthens the entire lawn care industry...we all benefit.
You might be asking these questions:
"Is Now A Good Time To Start A
Lawn Care Business?"
As I'm writing this, the 2023 lawn care season is in full swing. Right now is the perfect time to pick up new customers and make serious money for the rest of the summer.
"How can you help me with my
Lawn Care Business?"
We have been in the lawn care industry for 20 years. Starting a lawn care company is not rocket science but there are smart ways to start and make more money. Sure...we made a few mistakes when we first started but we learned quickly. We developed this lawn care business guidebook & software so you don't have to make mistakes.
Most new business owners have trouble with these areas: business formation, acquiring customers, buying lawn care equipment, efficiently doing work, giving profitable price estimates, and growing their businesses. We show you how to do all this.
20 years worth of lawn care business knowledge has gone into this training package. It will teach you practically everything you need to know about operating a successful lawn care business.
"What is included with the
Lawn Care Business Package?"
The Lawn Care Business Package is a complete series of lawn care business guidebooks, a full suite of business software, a series of estimating calculators, and video training tutorials.
The business package includes:
a full series of guidebooks explaining practically everything you could want to know about the lawn care business. These are actual manuals with tons of info. (this is NOT a cheap ebook).
Business Startup
Equipment Purchasing Guide
Marketing and Advertising
Giving Estimates
Pricing Your Jobs for the Most Money
Growing Your Business
Successfully Bidding Large Contracts
Add-On Services (and services to offer during the winter)
20 years worth of tips and secrets Sure, anyone can cut grass but our program teaches you skills to run a professional business. Learn the truth about: blade height, efficient mowing patterns, lawn striping, commercial mower handling, edging, weedeating & blowing techniques, and many other procedures to help you give professional service to your customers. Speed is the name of the game. Our tips about mowing patterns will make you faster and able to make more money. (This alone is worth the price of the course.)
a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section covering the most common questions of startup and running a successful lawn care business.
video training guides showing you professional lawn care work techniques, estimating examples, and customer negotiation techniques.
complete advertising and marketing guidebook with step-by-step advertising examples and marketing strategies.
customer relations guidebook showing you how to get more customers for your business and how to negotiate prices with those customers.
negotiating tactics to help you charge higher prices for every single lawn care job you do.
estimating software to help you estimate small jobs and bid on larger jobs and lawn care & landscaping contracts.
lists of great add-on services and pricing guides so you'll know how much to charge for the services you offer (never underbid another job!)
customer letters & contact forms for your residential & corporate clients. These are completely customizable.
customer agreement (contract) examples that you can have your customers sign. These are especially helpful for larger-scale lawn care jobs and yearly agreements.
a full-scale bidding tutorial to help you bid small AND larger jobs.
bidding and estimating worksheets that are a GREAT help in your formal bidding of large scale and full year contract customers.
a toolkit of customizable forms and worksheets to help with your business bookkeeping.
lawn equipment buyer's guidebook. Our equipment guidebook teaches you how to buy the best equipment for YOUR business needs.

Whether you are starting large or small, our equipment buyer's guidebook teaches you which equipment is right for your business.
SUPPORT - If you have specific questions that are not answered in the program, we will gladly attempt to help and share ideas.
Plus: there is much more included in this huge lawn care business program.
The Lawn Care Business Program
is designed to help you:
start and organize your business correctly
learn how to make your customers' lawns look great
buy the correct types and brands of commercial lawn care and landscaping equipment
increase your customer list with the "RIGHT-TYPE" of customers (Stop fooling around with low-paying customers!!!)
bid residential jobs such as lawn mowing, raking, edging, and blowing as well as hedge trimming, mulching, gutter cleaning, and yard-cleanup jobs
bid commercial jobs such as apartment complexes, schools, and community greenspaces for Home-Owner-Associations (use the included estimating software)
bid large-scale work such as industrial complexes and multi-year government mowing contracts
grow your business to the point where you need to hire crews so you can make even more money.
ALSO: We have now added several manuals
free of additional charge. You will learn many details such as:
how to buy a client list from an existing lawn care company
how to get your customers to pay QUICKLY
how to keep your business "Home Based"
how to deal with the pressures of owning your own business
plus many more.
The Lawn Care Business Package is a comprehensive training program that will help you start faster, estimate better, and grow bigger.
You receive:
the complete guidebooks (printed manuals, this is NOT an eBook)
the entire Lawn Care Business software toolkit
the Lawn Care Business video training guides
the full set of Lawn Care Estimating Software
Everything described above is included!
Nothing more to buy. No hidden charges. No subscription fees.
Summer 2023 Sale Price
(includes the Complete Guidebooks, Contract Bidding Tutorials,
Estimating Software & the Bidding Strategy Guidebook. Plus LOTS more.)
Less than $70.
One new customer will easily pay you back for that price.
Complete Course will be shipped to you via USPS Priority Mail.
Major Credit Card or Paypal
A Paypal account is NOT required.
$69.95 Total (Free Shipping)